l-ᄒώᄒ-l Drawing, Cosplay, Change bracelets,Decorate things, do random oc dolls, Art trades, Play Videogames, Rhythm game fan, If u are in one fandom i am, Talk about oc/Lore, Games/series/movies theories, Mithology lover, Character/world design, Marine biology
l:33l Free drawing people, Proships, scammers, Basic criteria (Homophobics, Transphibica, Xenophobes, racists, pedophiles.etc)

"Something About me ??!"

I'm an Small artists, i mostly draw my oc or others, but I also do Fanarts for games and series. I like to draw, listening to music, Discover music too, also sew dolls and do cosplay. If you are interested in my art I have commissions and open arttrades!!! More drawings in the image!